Venturo var tänkt att bli en ”folkstuga” – ett fritidshus som alla hade råd med, demonterbart, lättransporterat och tillverkat i 1970-talets framtidsmaterial – plast. Men oljekrisen 1972 gjorde plasten dyr och endast 19 hus tillverkades. Idag är Venturo en raritet, endast tre exemplar finns kvar. Kivik Art Centres exemplar är 45 m2 och sammansatt av tre moduler. Det renoverades 2009 då det placerades i parken.
Mer om Matti Suuronen/Venturo:
The idea of the Venturo was to be a cottage for everyone – affordable, easy to assemble and transport, and constructed of plastic – the material of the future, at the time. But the oil crisis in 1972 made plastic expensive and put the production to an end. Only 19 houses were built. Today the Venturo is an architectural rarity, only three copies are left. This one is 45 m2, composed of three separate modules and was renovated in 2009 before placed on the premises.
Learn more about Matti Suuronen/Venturo: